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32-bit 384kHz FLAC DSF Free HD Music and Audio Samples - Download Now

Free high-resolution music downloads

Audio Basis - articles about audio

If you are searching for free audio samples in high-resolution quality, you have come to the right place. We offer you the opportunity to download free audio samples in DSF and FLAC up to 32-bit / 384 kHz music resolution. These are some of the best audio formats available, and they will provide you with a rich sound experience. You can download music or test audio files in formats, depending on your needs.

These files are also useful for checking, developing, and improving audio software and systems. Take this opportunity to download these original audio samples for free. Keep reading to find out more.


Author: Yuri Korzunov,
Audiophile Inventory's developer with 25+ year experience in digital signal processing,
author of the articles that make audio easy for beginners



Watch and share video: How to improve sound quality [Your Guide]
video: How to improve sound quality [Your Guide]


Disclaimer: All audio files on this page are intended for popularization of high-quality audio. Using the files to make a profit is prohibited. You must not distribute these files. The files are provided without any warranties. You can download and use it for your sole responsibility. Metadata included in the audio files should not be removed or changed. When you use these files, you should obviously show the copyright notice. All right reserved © Yuri Korzunov. If you have inquiries, contact us.


Audio player software and devices may cause issues of playback in some audio resolutions. You can listen it as wrong playback speed, silence, pops, distortions, and others.






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HD music downloads



FLAC downloads

Free 24 bit FLAC / 44.1 kHz audio downloads


Free 24 bit FLAC / 96 kHz audio downloads

See more downloads 24-bit 96 kHz...


Free 32 bit FLAC / 96 kHz audio downloads


Free 24 bit FLAC / 192 kHz audio downloads

See more downloads 24-bit 192 kHz...


Free 32 bit FLAC / 192 kHz audio downloads

Free 24 bit FLAC / 384 kHz audio downloads

See more downloads 24-bit 384 kHz...


Free 32 bit FLAC / 384 kHz audio downloads


Also, download 24-bit 96/192 kHz FLAC for free...


DSF downloads

Free DSF 2.8 MHz / 1 bit / D64 audio downloads

See more downloads in DSD 64 sample rate...


Free DSF 5.6 MHz / 1 bit / D128 audio downloads

See more downloads in DSD 128 sample rate...


Free DSF 11.2 MHz / 1 bit / D256 audio downloads

See more downloads in DSD 256 sample rate...


Free DSF 22.5 MHz / 1 bit / D512 audio downloads

See more downloads in DSD 512 sample rate...


Free DSF 45.1 MHz / 1 bit / D1024 audio downloads

See more downloads in DSD 1204 sample rate...



Listen Yuri Korzunov on SoundCloud >


Watch and share: How to remove noise in hi-res audio files
dsd vs flac video guide






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Tech information

  • FLAC has 32 bit / 384 kHz technical limitation of audio resolution.
  • SACD ISO, DSF and DFF are DSD (high-resolution audio) files. Their sample rates are DSD64=64fs=2.8 MHz, DSD128=128fs=5.6 MHz, DSD256=256fs=11.2 MHz, DSD256=256fs=22.6 MHz, DSD1024=1024fs=45.2 MHz, DSD2048=2048fs=90.3 MHz. fs is 44100 kHz (CD-audio sampling rate). Technically DSD files may have higher sampling rates. It allows providing wider useful frequency band. These DSD formats uses 1-bit resolution only.






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Free test signal files

Free test file downloads

WARNING!!! Be careful with the playback of these files. It contains high frequencies, which can damage your ears, especially at high loudness. For high frequencies, you may don't hear sound, but sound pressure is present and can damage your ears.




Sweep sine audio files samples DSF

DSF sample #1.1 (D64)

    sweep sine - 0 ... 22050 Hz
    signal level - minus 11 dB 
    noise max peak level - minus 142 dB (for conversion to 44 100 Hz with audio converter AuI ConverteR 48x44)

    bit depth - 1 bit
    sample rate - DSD64 (64fs, 44100 Hz x 64 = 2 822 400 Hz = 2.8 mHz)

Download link


DSF sample #1.2 (D128)

    sweep sine - 0 ... 22050 Hz
    signal level - minus 11 dB 
    noise max peak level - minus 174 dB (for conversion to 44 100 Hz with AuI ConverteR 48x44)

    bit depth - 1 bit
    sample rate - DSD128 (128fs, 44100 Hz x 128 = 5 644 800 Hz = 5.6 MHz)

Download link


SINES (DSD64, fs x 64, 2.8MHz)

Sine audio files samples DSF

DSF sample #2.1 (D64)

    sine - 50 Hz
    signal level - minus 11 dB 
    noise max peak level - minus 148 dB (for conversion to 44 100 Hz with AuI ConverteR 48x44)

    bit depth - 1 bit
    sample rate - DSD64 (64fs, 44100 Hz x 64 = 2 822 400 Hz = 2.8 mHz)

Download link


DSF sample #2.2 (D64)

    sine - 100 Hz
    signal level - minus 11 dB 
    noise max peak level - minus 147 dB (for conversion to 44 100 Hz with AuI ConverteR 48x44)

    bit depth - 1 bit
    sample rate - DSD64 (64fs, 44100 Hz x 64 = 2 822 400 Hz = 2.8 mHz)

Download link


DSF sample #2.3 (D64)

    sine - 500 Hz
    signal level - minus 11 dB 
    noise max peak level - minus 147 dB (for conversion to 44 100 Hz with AuI ConverteR 48x44)

    bit depth - 1 bit
    sample rate - DSD64 (64fs, 44100 Hz x 64 = 2 822 400 Hz = 2.8 mHz)

Download link


DSF sample #2.4 (D64)

    sine - 1000 Hz
    signal level - minus 11 dB 
    noise max peak level - minus 143 dB (for conversion to 44 100 Hz with AuI ConverteR 48x44)

    bit depth - 1 bit
    sample rate - DSD64 (64fs, 44100 Hz x 64 = 2 822 400 Hz = 2.8 mHz)

Download link


Read below articles about DSD, DSF, DFF






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Frequently Asked Questions


Free audio downloads. F.A.Q.


DSD downloads About DSD Play DSD Convert DSD DSD stream



F.A.Q. DSD downloads


Where can I download DSF?

You can download DSF files here...


Where can I download DSF files?

To download .dsf files you can use these resources:


Where can I get DSD music files?

You can get DSD music files at sites:





F.A.Q. about DSD


What is a DSF audio file?

DSF file is one of files in DSD format.



What is a DSF music file?

DSF music file is Direct Stream Digital sound file format.



What can open DSF files?

You can open DSF files with:


Is DSD better than FLAC?

Many factors define what is sound better DSD or FLAC in given conditions. Read more...


How good is DSD?

DSD was designed for audiophile applications. Theoretically, it should give some advantages comparing traditional PCM audio. However, some details are there. Read more...





F.A.Q. play DSD


How do you play DSD recordings?

To play DSD recording, you can use DSD player. Optionally, you need DSD DAC or DAC/amplifier.


What player can play DSD?

See the list of audio players, that can play DSD...


How do I play a DSF file?

You can play DSF files via audio player software...


How do I play DSF files on my Mac?

You can play DSF audio files on Mac with DSD playback software...


Can Windows Play DSD?

Yes. You can use music player software for Windows...


How do I play DSF files on Foobar?

Read how you can play DSF file on Foobar...


Can VLC play DSD files?

VLC music player, as far as is known, doesn't play DSD files  currently. You can see the discussion...


Can Android Play DSD?

Yes. DSD may be played back on Android with player applications...


Can MusicBee play DSD files?

Refering to the link, MusicBee software is capable to play DSD files.

Alternatively, you can convert DSD to PCM (FLAC, WAV, mp3 files) offline instead.

Read how to do it...





F.A.Q. convert DSD


How do I convert DSF to FLAC?

To convert DSF to FLAC read the guide...


How do I convert DSF to MP3?

You can convert DSF to mp3 this way...





F.A.Q. DSD stream


Does Qobuz stream DSD?

Qobuz doesn't stream DSD. Read about DSD streaming...


Can DSD be streamed?

Yes. DSD may be streamed.



Read also


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