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sacd_extract [Install on Mac, Windows]

Codecs [AuI ConverteR manual] < Tutorials

Read how to manually download and install sacd_extract codec for AuI ConverteR software to get graphical user interface and additional processing to solve some issues that are described in the article.


Author: Yuri Korzunov,
Audiophile Inventory's developer with 25+ year experience in digital signal processing,
author of the articles that make audio easy for beginners




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What is sacd_extract

sacd_extract is a common universal codec. It retrieves audio content and text metadata from SACD optical disk (Super Audio CD ripping) or SACD ISO files. The codec is command line software without a graphical user interface.

AuI ConverteR software:

  • provides Graphical User Interface (GUI) for sacd_extract.
  • solves some sacd_extract issues via manipulation of its input and output data. Read details below.
  • allows configuring custom command line with templates like other codecs.


sacd_extract capabilities

  • Ripping of SACD optical disk to DSD files (.iso, .dsf, .dff).*
  • Ripping of SACD ISO file (file with .iso extension, that contains SACD optical disk content) to .dsf and .dff files.

* To access to SACD optical disk, sacd_extract requires connecting with special hardware. Read more...

sacd_extract is a command-line utility and it's managed via parameters of command line.


Ripping settings

Ripping settings are managed via command line parameters of sacd_extract:

  • source [network or .iso file],
  • target format [.dsf /.dff /.iso, stereo/multichannel album variant],
  • etc.

See details in command line parameters.


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Probable issues for ripping with sacd_extract

Audible clicks

When the target format is a DSF file, audible clicks or pops are possible.

Sacd_extract's programmers promise that the issue is solved in certain software versions.

But, the author would recommend controlling it for the available .iso files for better sureness.

See, how to avoid the clicks...


Output file cannot be created

Sometimes, the codec can't create output files due to operating system requirements.

Read how it's solved...


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How to install sacd_extract automatically

Watch and share: sacd_extract codec installing [AuI ConverteR 48x44]
  1. At the main window of AuI ConverteR, click Open files button.
  2. After the opening of .iso file, sacd_extract download request window is shown. Push Ok button to continue.
  3. [On Mac only] After downloading, security request window is shown. Click Ok button to continue and enter the administrator password when asked.
  4. After it, request window of dffdsf codec is shown. Push Ok button to continue.
  5. [On Mac only] After downloading security request window is shown. Click Ok button to continue and enter the administrator password when asked.


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How to install sacd_extract for Windows manually

sacd_extract is installed automatically by AuI ConverteR. But if it is not possible (obsolete URL, Internet is not available, etc., you can do it manually.)

  1. AuI ConverteR should be installed and launched 1 time or more. Stop AuI ConverteR.
  2. Download by link
  3. Go to the folder

    <REPLACE TO WINDOWS SYSTEM DISK>:\Users\<REPLACE TO YOUR WINDOWS USER NAME>\AppData\Local\com.audiophile-inventory\AuIConverteR48x44\


  4. Into the folder (see goal 3), create sacd_extract folder. Unpack's content to this sacd_extract.
  5. Into the folder (see goal 3), open extensions_in.ini file for editing.
  6. Into extensions_in.ini file find [iso 1-bit hd] or [iso%20sacd] part.
  7. In ExeName= row, edit the path to actual directory of sacd_extract.exe executable file (extracted goal 4).

    ExeName=<REPLACE TO WINDOWS SYSTEM DISK>:\Users\<REPLACE TO YOUR WINDOWS USER NAME>\AppData\Local\com.audiophile-inventory\AuIConverteR48x44\sacd_extract\sacd_extract.exe
    NameExtensionDisplayed=iso 1-bit HD audio
    Params=%mch% --convert-dst -C -p -i%inputfile% %outgroupdir% %itisgroup%



  8. Save the extensions_in.ini file.



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How to install sacd_extract for Mac OS X manually

sacd_extract is installed automatically by AuI ConverteR. But if it is not possible (obsolete URL, Internet is not available, etc., you can do it manually.)

  1. AuI ConverteR should be installed and launched 1 time or more. Stop AuI ConverteR.
  2. Download by link
  3. Go to the folder

    /Users/<REPLACE TO YOUR MAC’s USER NAME>/Library/Application Support/com.audiophile-inventory/AuIConverteR48x44

    /Users/Alex/Library/Application Support/com.audiophile-inventory/AuIConverteR48x44

    WARNING: at Mac are two "Application Support" directories. Use "/Users/<REPLACE TO YOUR MAC’s USER NAME>/Library/Application Support"
  4. Into the folder (see goal 3), create sacd_extract folder. Unpack's content to sacd_extract folder into the folder (see goal 3).
  5. Into the folder (see goal 3), open extensions_in.ini file for editing.
  6. Into extensions_in.ini file find [iso 1-bit hd] or [iso%20sacd] part.
  7. In ExeName= row, edit path to actual path of sacd_extract executable file (extracted goal 4).

    ExeName=/Users/<REPLACE TO YOUR MAC’s USER NAME>/Library/Application Support/com.audiophile-inventory/AuIConverteR48x44/sacd_extract/sacd_extract
    NameExtensionDisplayed=iso sacd
    Params=%mch% --convert-dst -C -p -i%inputfile% %outgroupdir% %itisgroup%

    ExeName=/Users/Alex/Library/Application Support/com.audiophile-inventory/AuIConverteR48x44/sacd_extract/sacd_extract

  8. Save the extensions_in.ini file.


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Adapt sacd_extract to your needs (command line)

Sacd_extract mode and capabilities may be customized via command line parameters.

In the AuI ConverteR these parameters are available in the Settings > Input Formats > Input converter command line parameters.

It's necessary to select "iso sacd" codec in the left bottom of the Input Formats tab.

sacd_extact command line parameters in AuI ConverteR
sacd_extact command line AuI ConverteR

Input converter command line parameter field should not contain the executable name in the begin.


The command line of sacd_extract has the format:

sacd_extract [options] [output_file]

sacd_extract command line parameters
Command line option Description



Extract stereo album variant (stereo tracks)



Extract multichannel album variant (multichannel tracks)


Output is .dsf files



Output is .dff files



Output is Philips DSDIFF (Edit Master) file



Output is RAW ISO



Decompress DST to DSD



Export album and track metadata from input SACD data to a CUE Sheet.



source SACD ISO file name, or

device or server's [IP address]:[port]
(example: -i192.168.1.100:2002)



Display album and track information


AuI ConverteR's default command line parameters:

%mch% --convert-dst -C -p -i%inputfile% %outgroupdir% %itisgroup%

AuI ConverteR macros

Macros Command line parameter / Description





(stereo or multichannel)

%inputfile% Input SACD ISO file name
%outgroupdir% Temporary directory for pre-extracted audio files.

Dummy-indicator of group processing. For indicating to AuI about group processing decoder, that doesn't use %outgroupdir%. Cleared before the codec launch.


How to edit sacd_extract parameters in AuI ConverteR

  1. In the AuI ConverteR's main window, push the Settings button.
  2. Select Input Formats tab.
  3. In the top left corner of the tab, in the drop-down list, select "iso sacd" (or "1-bit iso") codec.
  4. Edit Input converter command line params according to your requirements.
  5. Push Ok button and restart the converter software.






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Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to rip SACD?

Yes. It's possible to rip SACD optical disk with sacd_extract utility, including decisions with GUI (graphical user interface).



Can I rip DSD CD?

There is no such term DSD CD. It's called Super Audio CD. It may be ripped via sacd_extract software.




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Read more

  1. How to rip SACD
  2. dffdsf [Install on Mac, Windows]
  3. Audio codecs (user guide)
  4. Auto Codec Downloading and Installing to Convert ISO >


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